Robert Kenedy

Contact Information:

Robert A. Kenedy, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
124 Winters College
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
416 736-2100 ext. 77458
FAX 416 736-5715

Biographical Information:

Robert A. Kenedy (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at York University, Canada where he has won four teaching awards and an award for his service to students. For his pedagogical research, he has written articles about peer education, integrating critical thinking skills into courses, and the importance of supporting student learning through teaching partnerships. Professor Kenedy has also been the guest editor of a special themed issue on peer education in the Journal of the First Year Experience & Student Transition. His work examines co-curricular and curricular peer education, mentorship, and leadership, focusing on the academic and social contributions to the post-secondary transition. Dr. Kenedy’s research highlights integrating peer educators and leaders into courses and studying the impact they have on student learning. He specifically examines best practices for incorporating peer educators inside and outside the classroom as well as evaluating the pedagogical benefits for students in terms of critical thinking, writing, and other academic skills.